
The article provides a theoretical substantiation and analysis of the use of individual mobile devices as a means of intensifying the educational process. It has been determined that mobile technologies in education are based mainly on the use of mobile phones, which, due to constant improvement, can be considered not only as a means of communication, but also as a means of learning. It has been established that high-quality professional training of future border guard officers requires continuous updating, expanding knowledge of English in the field of activity, which sets new tasks for the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to train qualified personnel, requiring improvement of interpreting and translation skills. The article considers mobile technologies as a learning tool that helps to significantly diversify the process of learning English by future border guard officers in a higher military institution and has a number of advantages: introducing and processing new material; checking the lexical and grammatical material learned; conducting listening with the help of audio and video materials; compiling dictionaries for the relevant educational material, etc. Moreover, students can access course materials and participate in online classes from anywhere and at any time using their mobile devices. The article substantiates the practicality and expediency of their use in the process of mastering English by cadets of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The practical significance of using mobile technologies in the learning of English by future border guard officers is considered, namely, the author’s own optional program of the distance learning course “English for Professional Communication of Border Guards”, as well as the applications Learn English Elementary, Wordshake, LinguaLeo, etc.

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