
In electron microscopic study of structural organization of the thoracic ganglion of the locust larva of the 1st age (1–2 days after hatching), the data on the structure of motoneurons of the 1st nerve, basal and motor neuropil of the larva were obtained. The effector elements of the larval locust CNS are formed rather early and have the structural plan similar to that in adult insects. However, in the larval motoneurons innervating the flight muscles (longitudinal dorsal muscles, wing depressors) the clearly seen features of immaturity of these nervous elements are revealed. Study of the larval ganglion neuropil has shown that the basal neuropil is morphologically formed sufficiently completely as early as in larvae of the first days after hatching. There are shown longitudinal contacts between axons of the ventral neuropil zone, the presence of axons forming theen-passant contacts as well as the synapses with a heterogeneous set of vesicles in the presynaptic area. The presence of the great number of granular vesicles in the basal neuropil of the locust larva may indicate an important role of catecholamines in the early development of the nervous system in the locust larva.

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