
The aim and tasks of the study. The purpose was to determine specific features of the yield formation by spring barley gene pool accessions in the contrast conditions of 2010–2017 and to identify sources of consistently high yields in the forest-steppe of Ukraine for breeding.Material and methods. The study was conducted in the Laboratory of Cereal Genetic Resources of the Plant Production Institute named after VYa Yuriev of NAAS in 2010–2017. 298 spring barley accessions from 20 countries were taken as the test material. The predecessor was bare fallow. The agrotechnics was conventional for the forest-steppe of Ukraine. The accessions were sown at the optimal for this crop time. The standard was planted between every 20 accessions. The collection accessions were evaluated in accordance with conventional methodical guidelines. To determine the homeostaticity of the varieties, VV Khangildin’s method was used. Statistical indices were calculated, as BA Dospekhov described.Results and discussion. The weather conditions in 2010–2017 were contrast, both in the temperature regime and in water availability, which made it possible to assess the influence of weather on the yields of modern spring barley varieties.Thus, it was established that 2014 (yield 517.5 g/m2), 2016 (584.7 g/m2) and 2017 (593.5 g/m2) were the most favorable for the growth and development. The hydrothermal conditions of 2011 and 2013 were characterized by uneven precipitation, mainly rain showers, during the growing season. Barley grain set and ripened under droughts associated with high temperatures, which considerably decreased the yields, which were 276 and 230.5 g/m2 in 2011 and 2013, respectively.As a result in 2011–2013, accessions with a yield of 404.1-485.8 g/m2 were selected. The variation coefficient was 7.7–31.6%, and the homeostaticity was 239–417. Accession Skhidnyi had a stable high yield (485.8 g/m2, variation coefficient V = 7.7%, homeostaticity Hom = 417). In 2012–2014, Ukrainian accessions Baskak, Hermes and Svarozhych were the best: their yields ranged within 572.6–621.7 g/m2, with the variation coefficient of 23.8–27.7% and homeostaticity of 351–366. In 2014–2016, we found two Ukrainian varieties (Podyv and Khors) and two Russian ones (Karat and Yaromir) with a yield of 600.4–753.1 g/m2. These accessions were noticeable for consistently high yields, with V = 24.7–31.3% and homeostaticity within 345–441. In 2015–2017, accessions with a yield of 565.3–731.7 g/m2 were the best. The variation coefficient of the varieties selected was 3.2–37.1%, with Hom = 333–554. They are Quench from the UK; Grace, Henrike and Scarlett from Germany; Gladys from the Netherlands; Balsam, Avgur, МІP Myrnyi, МІP Sotnik, Talisman Myronivskyi, and МІP Saliut from Ukraine; Fest from Belarus; Azik and Ilek-16 from Kazakhstan; and Shynar from Kyrgyzstan.Conclusion. The selected varieties gave stable yields during the study years, regardless of fluctuations in the weather conditions, that is, they are homeostatic. Therefore, it is expedient to use these accessions in breeding to increase the potential of new varieties, combining in their genotype resistance to unfavorable environmental conditions with high yield capacity


  • У статті охарактеризовано формування врожайності 298 зразків ячменю ярого різного еколого-географічного походження в умовах східної частини Лісостепу впродовж 2010–2017 рр

  • expedient to use these accessions in breeding to increase the potential of new varieties

  • The study was conducted in the Laboratory of Cereal Genetic Resources

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Рі к

Гідротермічні умови 2011 р. та 2013 р. характеризувались нерівномірним опадами впродовж вегетації культури, переважно зливового характеру. У вивченні в НЦГРРУ знаходились вісім зразків з Росії, їх урожайність за трирічний період становила 298 г/м2. П'ятнадцять сортів оцінювали упродовж 2015–2017 рр., урожайність яких складала – 514 г/м2.У результаті дослідження особливостей формування врожайності зразків було визначено найвищий її рівень у сорту Солнечный з Казахстану – 1867 г/м2 з НПЦ зернового господарства ім. Найменша кількість зразків надійшли з країн, де переважають посушливі умови, особливо в осінньо-зимовий період, це – Сирії (ICARDA) шість сортів; по чотири зразки з Киргизстану (Державний центр з випробування сортів та генетичних ресурсів рослин) та Австралії (Western Australia Herbarium Department of Agriculture, Plant Genetic Resources Committee Victorian Crops Research Institute); три зразки з Ефіопії (East African and Indian Region IDRC, Institute of Agricultural Research); по одному з Сербії (Novi Sad), Монголії (Монгольський державний аграрний університет, Науково-дослідний та навчальний Інститут рослинництва та землеробства).

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