
A quantitative measure of well productivity is the productivity factor. Its value is determined by many factors, but especially by filtration-volume parameters of the zone immediately adjacent to the bottomhole.Filtration-capacitive properties of these zones are formed mainly at the stage of penetration and development of productive object. The practice shows that the present set of technological measures, which characterize the completion cycle, largely determines the reduction of filtration characteristics of the reservoir in the near-wellbore area.Often the consequences are so severe that even from highly permeable intervals it is not possible to obtain commercially viable flows of formation fluid.Under conditions of annually growing volumes of drilling and oil and gas production, old technological methods and schemes are no longer satisfying production. Today there is an urgent need to find and develop new, highly effective methods of drilling, production, field development, allowing meeting the needs of the domestic economy in hydrocarbons.The process of well completion plays an important role in this process. Promising in this area should be considered such a set of measures, which allows preventing or eliminating the negative impact of the cycle of well construction on the productive capacity of the reservoir to the greatest extent.In this regard, the right choice of technical or technological solutions is largely conditioned by the availability of information about the degree of their influence on the change in reservoir properties.

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