
Annotation. Obesity is considered a risk factor for postoperative complications and postoperative mortality. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of obesity on the postoperative period and the level of postoperative mortality after left hemicolectomy. A retrospective analysis of the medical records of 217 patients who underwent left hemicolectomy for colon tumors was performed. Assessment of comorbid conditions was performed using the Charlson index. Postoperative complications were assessed according to the Clavien-Dindo classification. The calculation of postoperative survival was performed by the Kaplan-Mayer method. Database formation and statistical analysis were performed using Microsoft Excel and STATISTICA 10.0. It was determined that the mean values of the Charlson index did not differ significantly between the two groups (6,31 ± 2,07 and 6,33 ± 2,08 respectively), but there was a significantly higher level of endocrine diseases in the group of obese patients. Non-disseminated (I-II) stages of the tumor process predominated in patients of both groups (60% and 57.5%, respectively). Among non-obese patients n = 107 (51.8%) patients had an uncomplicated postoperative period and n = 59 (28.5%) patients had mild complications that were not associated with the surgical site, but were associated with concomitant chronic pathology of other organs and systems, and did not require any invasive interventions. In contrast, among obese patients n = 6 (60%) patients had severe early postoperative complications requiring surgery, and n = 2 (20%) patients underwent relaparotomy. The rate of early postoperative mortality differed significantly between the two groups and was significantly higher among obese patients (40% vs 6.8% among non-obese patients). This study showed a significantly higher percentage of postoperative mortality and severity of postoperative complications in the group of obese patients. The prospect of further research is to study and analyze the course of the postoperative period in obese patients undergoing extended, multi-visceral and multi-stage surgery for cancer of the left half of the colon.


  • Мультивісцеральні оперативні втручання виконані у 4 (40%) пацієнтів з ожирінням на противагу - у 66 (31,9%) пацієнтів без ожиріння

  • TNM-класифікації), що є сприятливим у прогнозі виживання та досить молодий вік пацієнтів, спостерігався вкрай високий ступінь важких післяопераційних ускладнень та післяопераційної летальності (40%) серед пацієнтів з ожирінням

  • The prospect of further research is to study and analyze the course of the postoperative period in obese patients undergoing extended, multi-visceral and multi-stage surgery for cancer of the left half of the colon

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Матеріали та методи

Дослідження базується на ретроспективному аналізі медичних карт 217 пацієнтів, яким було виконано лівобічну геміколектомію з приводу пухлин ободової кишки на базі хірургічного та проктологічного відділень КНП "Хмельницька обласна лікарня" ХОР та КНП "Хмельницький обласний протипухлинний центр" ХОР за період останніх 11 років. Пацієнти були поділені на дві групи: І група пацієнти з ожирінням (ІМТ>30 кг/м2) та ІІ група - пацієнти без ожиріння (ІМТ

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