
The article examines topical issues of the institution of property alienation contracts in the Anglo-American legal system. Peculiarities of the civil law contract in the countries of the Anglo-American legal system are determined. Definitions of «civil legal system» and «alienation of property» are provided. The legal aspects of concluding contracts regarding the alienation of property are analyzed, in particular the form and conditions of concluding such contracts, as well as the peculiarities of legal regulation of the definition of the subject of contracts regarding the alienation of property. The stage of conclusion of contracts on the alienation of property in the countries of the Anglo-American legal system is studied. Attention is focused on the fact that a distinctive feature of the development of the institution of contractual relations in the countries of the Anglo- American legal system is that, firstly, it took place under the significant influence of judicial practice; secondly, found its consolidation in the norms of common law. However, regarding certain types of property alienation contracts, it is worth noting that they are regulated by the norms of special legislative acts. It has been analyzed that, in practice, the relations of the parties concluding a contract of alienation of property are largely regulated not by legal norms that make up positive law, but by the norms of their own «contractual law» created by the parties, that is, by the terms of the contract they have. The content of specific property alienation contracts in this way is determined not so much by the satisfaction of the mutual interests of the counterparties, but by the capabilities and wishes of the economically stronger partner and the necessity dictated by the specific situation of the weaker party to the agreement. It was concluded that the regulation of the institution of property alienation contracts in the countries of the Anglo-American legal system has its own characteristics. In particular, in England, it is possible to note the increased activity of the parliament in the field of regulating civil relations, which is manifested in particular in the adoption of new and amendments to already existing laws, which are voluminous in their content, as a result of which in practice they are even called codified.

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