
Purpose. Research and evaluation of existing methods and determination of features of development of the project of performance of works, formation of recommendations on designing of the project of performance of works, definition of construction tactics during production of works of zero cycle of construction object, i.e. definition of the most effective and safe ways of performance of complexes of works energy savings. Methodology. An important role in the study is played by the formation of knowledge and skills of modern design and technological approach to solving problems of construction, orientation of organizational and technological processes to achieve end results with reduced time and money, rational composition of machines and mechanisms and mastering the methodology of construction. Findings. The working project for the removal of external sewerage networks at the object New construction of the shopping and entertainment center «Khortitsa Mall» on the street. Speedboat, 8 / street Kryva Bukhta, 2 in the city of Zaporizhia, as well as additional information from foreign and domestic sources was studied, standard projects that have already been implemented in the city of Zaporizhia were analyzed. In the course of the work a technological map for the removal of external sewerage networks was developed, as it is the main document of the project, which includes a set of guidelines for substantiation of rational organizational and technological decisions in compliance with the rules of safety and safety. Originality. On the basis of design and technological documentation, normative base, scientific researches the model of competent systematization of data of development of the project of performance of works with use of scientific and normative sources that helps to systematize and facilitate work on development of the project of production of works is received. Practical value. Application of methods of development of design and technological documentation is one of the main directions of regulation of construction works by the most effective methods, optimum structure of crew, sets of construction cars and mechanisms, providing reduction of terms of construction, reduction of labor intensity, estimated cost and improvement of quality of construction works.

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