
Teaching professional terminology at the lessons of foreign language in professional activity at a non-linguistic higher educational establishment is presented in the article. The authors put emphasis on the importance of teaching terminology in view of the professionally oriented approach at teaching foreign language. In accordance with the requirements of new educational standards for teaching a foreign language at nonlinguistic higher educational establishments it is necessary to take into account the professionally oriented constituent of students’ foreign training, namely knowledge of terminology and ability to use it in professional and academic process. Among plenty of educational veterinary directions of students’ training, it is difficult for linguists to work out teaching material, which contains the strictly specialized foreign terminology that corresponds to a certain direction in training. The teachers of the Department of Foreign Training of SBTU carry out large methodical and scientific work on analysis, development and introduction of new methods of teaching students on discipline “Foreign language in professional activity”. Techniques and methods of teaching and activation of terminology are considered in the article. Special attention is given to the work with authentic professionally oriented texts on specialty that helps students to accumulate and systematize a lexical minimum sufficient for ability to work with professionally meaningful information. The issue of multicomponent terms’ translation into Ukrainian is also discussed in the article. Exercises for mastering new terminology by the students are provided. Taking into consideration experience and Web-sites and curriculum analysis, examples of these technologies implementation for teaching a foreign language in professional activity are given in the article. Presented methods of teaching English professional terminology allow to make the process of studies more interesting both for students and teachers.

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