
One of the main aims and objectives of Modern Russian education is to make a human be ready for effective working and interacting in the multiethnic educational environment. Different aspects of the multiethnic education are registered in numerous Legal Acts of the Russian federation. Educators multiethnic competence comprises such aspects as knowing national, religious, gender and other peculiarities of students under training, respective attitude towards them; the ability to behave in terms of cultural conformity as well as the ability to organize meaningful dialogue in a multiethnic group and to use these cultural peculiarities to enrich students personal experience. Moreover, educators multiethnic competence also includes understanding of students ethnopsychological reactions which are conditioned by their cultural background and national identity. The trainee has to anticipate and to resolve a conflict in a multiethnic group. Cultural studies of different nationalities have to be organized in different ways: among the most popular methods we are bound to mention the historical studies of nations and the annexation of different ethnic communities to the Russian federation, the history of an ethnic group contribution to the heroic deeds during wars and while defending the homeland. One of the most effective ways of understanding and assimilating other peoples traditions and customs is to make students participate in different national festivals, religious holidays and feasts. Reading national poets and writers contributes greatly to the better acquisition of the material as well. There are some other methods to get acquainted with cultures for example, National days, learning national games, songs, poems; collective projects, competitions, contests; work with families and family celebrations of national holidays with national food, family stories about strong family traditions and customs; training exercises which cultivate students tolerance towards other nations and ethnic groups etc.


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Содержание межкультурной компетентности педагога связано с такими аспектами, как осознание национальнорелигиозных, гендерных и иных особенностей обучающихся, уважительное отношение к ним; способность к культуросообразному поведению; способность организовать конструктивное межкультурное взаимодействие в коллективе и использовать межкультурные различия для обогащения личного культурного опыта обучающихся; знание и учет психологических особенностей восприятия и поведения обучающихся, обусловленных их культурной принадлежностью; способность обеспечивать поликультурную направленность учебновоспитательного процесса, прогнозировать, предупреждать и разрешать межкультурные конфликты в коллективе и т.д.

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