
Investigations of Rendzic Leptosols (rendzinas) geographic dissemination peculiarities in Western region of Ukraine have been conducted. Given soils are intrazonal biolithological soils, formed in periodical wash and wash type water regimes, mainly under mixed and broad-leaved forests canopy, with well-developed herbaceous cover on eluvium-diluvium products of chalk, cretaceous marl, and marl, and Upper Baden limestone weathering. It has been stated that the largest overall extension areas of rendzinas are concentrated in Turiys’k-Rorzhyshchens’k natural area, Volynian Polisya region, Polisya territory. It has been found that rendzinas lie on elevated relief elements (denudation plains, floodplain rivers, watersheds, limestone and chalky remnants, steep and declivous river sloping) where quaternary deposits are washed out and eluvium-diluvium crust of cretaceous marl weathering appear on the surface. Complexity and mosaic of Rendzic Leptosols bedding in soil cover structure determine optimization character of given soils rational usage in Western Ukrainian region.

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