
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the qualification of criminal offenses under Articles 361-363-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, committed in complicity by a group of persons. Today it is impossible to imagine a civilized society without digital technologies. However, it is important to remember that crime is also constantly changing and transforming with the development of technology, new types of criminal offenses are emerging, including those committed in cyberspace and with the use of information technology and computer information. Issues related to the fight against "cybercrime" are very acute for law enforcement officers around the world, on a par with such high-profile crimes as terrorism, human trafficking, drug trafficking and others. Thus, in March 20221 at the XIV UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, attention was paid to the manifestation of new forms of crime, the Parties agreed to develop cooperation in the fight against cybercrime. Counteracting crime involves eliminating determinants of a particular type. According to the content of the causes and conditions of committing "criminal offenses in the field of computer information" are legal, so improving criminal law is one way to reduce their level. In recent years, the level of criminal offenses in the field of computer information has increased significantly. One of such problematic issues is the peculiarities of the qualification of criminal offenses committed in complicity. Attention is paid to the definition of complicity by prior conspiracy of a group of persons and the characteristics of qualifications. The specifics of complicity of a group of persons in committing criminal offenses in the field of computer information are such that contacts of subjects are not personal (physical), but through information networks (virtual) and establishing the fact of complicity before criminal illegal activities of such persons and their documentation is an extremely important issue. The issues of complex forms of complicity are also considered: organized group and criminal organization. Based on the results of this work, conclusions and prospects for further research in this direction were made.

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