
The article examines the specifics and significance of the professional training of future teachers of history and jurisprudence in the aspect of forming their legal culture. The essence of the legal culture of the future teacher is clarified and the conditions for the successful implementation of the legal educational function of future teachers of history and jurisprudence are determined. The importance of historical education, its influence on the development of civil and moral qualities of a person is substantiated. The purpose of studying history in elementary school, in high school at the basic level and in high school at the professional level, aimed at the development of subject skills and skills in students, has been defined. Attention is focused on the readiness of future law teachers to be ready to teach and educate students. The professionally significant qualities of the formation of the legal culture of the future teacher of history and jurisprudence and its inherent functions are characterized: adaptive, cognitive-transformative, value-normative, legal age, communicative, protective, diagnostic, organizational, regulatory, managerial. It was revealed that the specific function of legal culture is regulatory. Law regulates relations between people as well as between people and society through various structures based on normative provisions systematized in laws. Norms of morality also provide a regulatory function in society, but they do not have the status of law, and their regulatory action is based on the social approval or condemnation of various human actions in society by this society or its various institutions. The regulatory function of legal culture allows to correlate public and personal interests, realizing them within the limits of legality. A high level of legal culture of an individual allows him to regulate relations with other social subjects in various spheres of society's life, without going beyond the limits of legality, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the realization of his interests and needs. The essence of this function is broken in the coordination of the goal and results, minimizing minor inconveniences caused by the dynamism and unpredictability of the behavior of participants in the educational process. The process of forming the skills of future teachers of history and jurisprudence to act in the legal education of schoolchildren (analytical, diagnostic, constructive, organizational, communicative, informational, prognostic, projective, reflective) deserves attention. The teacher helps the child to enter the life of society, contributing to his formation as an active object and subject of culture, realizing his personal potential. 
 Keywords: legal culture; legal demagoguery; professional training; future teachers of history and jurisprudence; professional activity; legal education; regulatory function of legal culture; legislation; historical education; citizen; society; legal material; legal education; educational institution.

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