
The rapid growth in the incidence of overweight and obesity among women of childbearing age is posing specific issues related to their pregnancy, thereupon choosing adequate and effective tactics for the prevention of preeclampsia in women with concomitant obesity who are at high risk group for this complication is of undoubted relevance. The aim of this study is to assess the occurrence and characteristic of obstetric and prenatal complications in women with concomitant obesity, who receive therapeutic and prophylactic complex designed to prevent the development of preeclampsia. We studied the course of pregnancy of 255 women, who were divided into 3 groups according to the class of obesity, and then, in turn, were subdivided into subgroups taking into account the presence of preeclampsia and the therapeutic and prophylactic complex course. The high efficiency of the therapeutic and prophylactic complex including L-arginine and diosmin for obese women enables to reduce the manifestations of endothelial dysfunction, the occurrence of preeclampsia and its severe forms; to lower down the occurrence of other complications during the pregnancy (risks of premature birth, placental insufficiency, distress and foetal growth retardation); to avoid perinatal mortality and improve the condition of the foetus. Applying this pathogenetically grounded therapeutic and prophylactic complex we elaborated (acetylsalicylic acid, L-arginine, calcium supplements and semisynthetic diosmin) to prevent the occurrence of preeclampsia in pregnant women with concomitant obesity, who are at high-risk group, promotes the reduction of occurrence and intensity of obstetric and prenatal complications resulted from endothelial dysfunction. We can suggest the therapeutic and prophylactic complex for pregnant women with concomitant obesity as effective therapy because no cases of severe and early preeclampsia have been registered.

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