
The rates of modern technologies development is such that educational programs are constantly required to be enlarged with new material. However, the introduced supplements often do not take into account the limited possibilities of perceiving amounts of information offered in class. As a result, a significant number of graduates get diplomas of educational institutions with a number of pathologies. Despite heavy load during training, the knowledge of a graduate is often not enough to recognize him ready to participate in modern production. The problem of providing quality education by creating a technology making it possible to maximize students’ knowledge while reducing the number of messages transmitted in the classroom. Consideration of the educational process in the form of an information system with messages transmitted in the form of images is proposed as one of the ways of solving it. The work assumed that each message is reflected in the consciousness of the source and receiver of information in the form of mental images. Mental images of the teacher and student are considered as a convolution of information. The analysis of peculiarities of mental images formation and development is given, a model of the mechanism of pattern information transmission is proposed. The model of transmitting sign, pattern, and symbol information is described. The communication bandwidth between the participants of the educational process is considered as depending on their goal setting, training, physiological and emotional features, as well as a number of other non-formalized factors. Graduates of educational institutions are considered as means of producing intellectual products, and the purpose of obtaining knowledge is proposed to be formed based on the definition of the attractor of developing the “teacher-student” system. A principle of organizing educational processes is proposed: the education technology should not violate the consistency between the purpose of the educational process and the attractor in the development of the system elements interaction “teacher–student”. The quality of education should be assessed based on the criterion of maximizing students’ knowledge with the number of messages determined by the Federal State Educational Standard. The quality of training is considered through the mechanism of obtaining knowledge during the time specified in the curriculum. Knowledge is considered as information that is perceived and structured by a person in order of importance according to his/her goals and desires. The use of the principle of correspondence of the aim of the educational process with the attractor in the development of the interactions of elements of the “teacher–student” system determines the formation of nature-aligned technologies that do not violate the position of the attractor in achieving the goals of obtaining knowledge. The level of educational institutions for which a model of convolution and transmission of information is proposed, is the same for preschool education and for primary, secondary and tertiary schools. The proposed models of transmitting images are used as a tool to ensure sustainability of the process of the directed formation of knowledge, which is a consequence of information influence.


  • The rates of modern technologies development is such that educational programs are constantly required to be enlarged with new material

  • Consideration of the educational process in the form of an information system with messages transmitted in the form of images is proposed as one of the ways of solving it

  • Mental images of the teacher and student are considered as a convolution of information

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Особенности передачи образной информации

Темпы развития современных технологий таковы, что образовательные программы постоянно требуется дополнять новым материалом. Дан анализ особенностей формирования и развития мыслеобразов, предложена модель механизма передачи образной информации. Выпускников образовательных учреждений предложено рассматривать как средства производства интеллектуального продукта, а цель получения знаний формировать исходя из определения аттрактора развития системы «учитель-ученик». Предложен принцип организации образовательных процессов: технология образования не должна нарушать соответствия между целью образовательного процесса и аттрактором в развитии взаимодействия элементов системы «учитель–ученик»; Качество образования предлагается оценивать по критерию максимизизации знаний учащихся при количестве сообщений, определяемым Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом. Использование принципа соответствия цели образовательного процесса и аттрактора в развитии взаимодействий элементов системы «учитель–ученик» определяет формирование природосообразных технологий, не нарушающих положение аттрактора при достижении сформулированной цели получения знаний. Ключевые слова: образная информация, технология образования, знания, модель передачи информации, знак, образ, символ, свертка информации, мыслеобразы, цель получения знаний, аттрактор, система «учитель-ученик»

Peculiarities of Pattern Information Transmission
Информационная модель подачи учебного материала
Материальная форма
Механизм передачи образной информации
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