
This paper describes all the detected forms of parasitism of eulophid wasps in the Middle Volga Region, based on many years of study of this important group of Hymenoptera and significant factual material. Hymenoptera: Eulophidae is a family of relatively small (no more than 5 mm, usually 1,52 mm) parasitic hymenoptera; its larvae develop on the phytophages of various groups (primarily lepidopterans, Diptera, coleoptera). Many species of herbivorous insects that are infected with eulofids are pests in forestry and agriculture, since they are used as fodder plants of various economically important families. A special group of phytophages are leafminers, larvae of which develop secretly in plant tissues (for example, leaf mesophyll), often forming species-specific damage mines. Eulophid wasps are able to infect leafminers that are inside leafmine and not accessible to other types of entomophages, thereby providing biological protection to cultural and wild plants. During the work parasitic development of more than 200 species of eulophid wasps was analyzed. Representatives of 4 subfamilies Eulophidae (Euderinae, Eulophinae, Entedoninae and Tetrastichinae), including more than 40 genera, have been identified in the Middle Volga Region.


  • This paper discusses the influence of biotopic conditions on the secondary compounds accumulation

  • Secondary metabolites inherent in the metabolism of various groups

  • of organisms are widely represented in symbiotic organisms

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Актуальность исследований Изучение особенностей паразитизма хальцидоидных наездников семейства эвлофид (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) является перспективным направлением энтомологических исследований, поскольку вносит вклад в познание экологии и биологии весьма важной группы перепончатокрылых, обеспечивающих естественный биологический контроль численности вредящих фитофагов. Материал и методы исследований Следует отметить, что изучение особенностей паразитизма эвлофид представляет определенные трудности, поскольку личинки данной группы наездников развиваются на фитофагах, ведущих скрытый образ жизни и питающихся внутри растительных тканей.

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