
AbstractThe production and commercial activities of organizations within the modern food subcomplexes are becoming increasingly complex, which leads to the need to find ingenious measures to ensure their survival and sustainable development. The accelerating development of competition and market relations in the country’s economy and the development and application of the project-based approach on the part of the authorities have determined the need to change the organizational and economic conditions in the system of interaction of organizations of food subcomplexes. The paper highlights the critical conditions ensuring the balance of interaction between organizations of food subcomplexes in the context of their categories (entering, fund-forming, functionally related, and interacting with the product subcomplex) using the motives that determine the development of the system of economic relations. The authors prove that positive changes in the system of food subcomplexes have led to the provision of the country’s food security and the transformation of the model of economic interaction from import-substituting to export-oriented.KeywordsInteraction of organizationsFood subcomplexEfficiencySustainable developmentProject-based approachDigital transformationJEL codesQ01Q13Q16

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