
The article analyzes the problems of detection, prevention and investigation of the facts of criminal offenses committed by football fans using the means and methods of operational investigative activities and conducting covert investigative investigative actions with the aim of documenting the specified illegal activity. The most frequent act of hooliganism is committed by members of groups of football fans. In order to solve these problems, the article outlines the main directions of preventive activities using the capabilities of the intelligence apparatus, and suggests some secret investigative (search) actions that can be used during the pre-trial investigation for the purpose of qualitative investigation and documentation of illegal actions of football hooligans. The main principles of ensuring security and law and order during football matches are preventive, adequate, effective and legal. Achieving the desired results in the implementation of these principles is possible when applying a set of actions, including through the use of operational investigative measures and covert investigative (search) actions. Operational investigative measures - the system of actions provided for by the current legislation, aimed at the use of operational investigative means and methods, carried out within the limits of their competence by specially authorized units and their officials, with the aim of solving specific tasks of operative investigative activity. Undisclosed investigative (search) actions are a type of investigative (search) actions, information about the facts and methods of conducting which are not subject to disclosure, except for the cases stipulated by the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. Taking into account the long-term and organized illegal actions of groups of football fans, their systematicity and influence on the general criminal situation in the cities where football matches are held, it is necessary to use the entire complex of operative and investigative measures and covert investigative (detective) actions. In particular, it is necessary to use the capabilities of the agency and illegal officers. It should be borne in mind that a person whose constitutional rights were temporarily restricted during secret investigative (search) actions, as well as the suspect, his defender must be notified in writing by the prosecutor or the investigator on his behalf about such restriction.
 The use of operational investigative measures and covert investigative (detective) actions in order to document the facts of hooliganism committed by groups of fans is quite an influential factor in identifying negative phenomena in the modern football field and preventing illegal actions by football hooligans.

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