
In anesthetized male rats the arterial blood pressure in femoral artery and electrocardiogram in standard leads were recorded uninterruptedly for 1–1.5 h under conditions of acute nitrite intoxication produced by a subcutaneous injection of water solution of sodium nitrite (donor of nitric oxide) at concentrations of 10, 30, and 50 mg/kg body mass. Results of the study have shown dose-dependent changes of arterial pressure as well as of time and amplitude characteristics of electrocardiogram under effect of NaNO2. At the threshold hypoxic dose, an increase of amplitude of R and S waves was observed by the 30–45th min, while at the maximal NaNO2 dose, amplitude of all waves rose by the 15th min of intoxication. High nitrite doses often caused an elevation of the ST segment above the isoelectric line and a rise of the amplitude of the T wave, on which a notch appeared in some cases. The change of the ECG time parameters was expressed in the dose-dependent development of bradycardia for the first 4–7 min; its level correlated with the progressively decreasing arterial pressure in the beginning (the 2–4th min) of nitrite intoxication. Variation analysis of the heart rate spectral characteristics by Baevskii’s method has revealed a rise of the total spectral power of pulse oscillations. Under effect of nitrite, in the specter of cardiointervals, the slower oscillations have been revealed with frequency of 0.15–0.2 Hz in the LF diapason with subsequent recovery of the normal ECG specter at the end of the experimental period. The maximal nitrite dose produced more pronounced shifts of the heart rate specter towards the LF and VLF diapasons that were not restored for 1 h of experiment. Transitory processes of readjustment of the cardiac rhythm had discrete character. The nitrite dose of 100 mg/kg body mass increased the RR-interval after 4–7 min with amplitude steps of 3–5 imp/s and the time constant of 20–40 s. The revealed ECG changes had the reflex (enhancement of parasympathetic tonus) and metabolic (the hypoxic and histotoxic damage of myocardium) nature.

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