
The article describes the peculiarities of legal regulation of marriage in the UAE. The author notices that the religious provisions of Islam and the historical roots of this country have had a significant impact on the laws of this country, they have also influenced on the marriage registration procedure, which is of particular scientific interest. In particular, it concerns the procedure of marriage between citizens of the state and certain aspects of marriage with foreigners. Particular attention is paid to the religious rite of marriage. It is noted that the marriage and family relations are regulated by the Koran and certain legislative acts.
 The author separately discloses the practical aspects of marriage registration, including the conditions, which are mandatory for marriage registration. It is stated that marriage can take place only if the requirements are fulfilled: marriage contract, lack of close blood ties, compliance with the requirements of religion, attainment of marriage age, mutual consent of both parties, equality, presence of witnesses during marriage and marriage observance of folk traditions. For a direct marriage registration, couples also need to prepare a package of documents required by law. In addition to ID documents, you must also provide medical certificates from both brides, issued by a government hospital in a format approved by the UAE Ministry of Health.
 The article also outlines common and distinct features between the marriage process in Europe and the UAE. In common is the consent of both spouses is envisaged, whereby on such terms that do not degrade honor and dignity, that is, they do not run counter to human rights. The couple must also be of a certain age and be fully capable. Close relatives cannot be married. Distinctive features include, in particular, the possibility of entering into polygamous marriages. In addition, the obligation to conclude a marriage contract is not compulsory in the territory of European countries.


  • The article describes the peculiarities of legal regulation of marriage in the UAE

  • The author notices that the religious provisions of Islam and the historical roots of this country have had a significant impact on the laws of this country, they have influenced on the marriage registration procedure, which is of particular scientific interest

  • It is noted that the marriage and family relations are regulated by the Koran and certain legislative acts

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Зазначимо, що відповідно до Закону ОАЕ No 28 «Про особистий статус» від 2005 р. 31 Закону ОАЕ «Про особистий статус» кожен, хто вступає у шлюб, набуває дієздатності у всьому, що стосується шлюбу та його наслідків[7]. У ОАЕ, так само як і в інших державах, для офіційної реєстрації шлюбу пара має відповідати певним матеріальним вимогам та дотримуватись встановлених правил.

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