
The article examines the peculiarities of legal relations in the field of restoration of lands and soils of Ukraine, which suffered as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. As a result of the full-scale invasion of Russia on more than a third of the territory of Ukraine, there is already or there is a risk of systemic disturbance of the surface layer of soils or their contamination (mines, oil products, unexploded ordnance, etc.). So, with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, the state of Ukraine received a new challenge - the degradation of land and soil as a result of military operations. Therefore, the problem of restoration of these natural objects has become extremely Legal relations in the field of land and soil restoration are an integral part of land legal relations and have essential features (public nature, volitional nature, dominance of the imperative method of legal regulation, specific subject composition, inequality of the parties to these legal relations, etc.). The article examines lands and soils as objects of restoration, since it is the specificity of objects that largely determines the peculiarities of legal relations in this area.
 Restoration of lands and soils is: a legally secured system of measures; aimed at returning their original qualitative state; is carried out through their reclamation, conservation, melioration and other measures provided for by law.
 Legal relations in the field of restoration of the lands and soils of Ukraine, which suffered as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, are social relations that are formed in the field of returning these natural objects to their original qualitative state, deteriorated due to the action of factors caused by military actions. Legal relations in this area have significant features, since lands and soils are non-reproducible, but renewable natural objects. The specificity of land and soil restoration is that this process is subject to their qualitative condition. Since such significant damage is caused to the lands and soils of Ukraine for the first time since the Second World War, the system of national land protection legislation needs to be reformed. The Law of Ukraine “On Land Protection” does not meet today’s needs. An urgent need today is the development and adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection and Restoration of Lands and Soils”.

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