
The scientific article highlights the peculiarities of legal relations in the area of training of personnel of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. It is emphasized that the change in approaches to the training of personnel of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine applies to all types and areas of its implementation, but the most active process of modernization is in the field of higher military education. Amendments to the laws of Ukraine on the regulation of legal relations in the field of higher military education are aimed at updating the training of specialists in accordance with current challenges and threats to national security of Ukraine in general and its border security in particular. They influence the formation of new connections between the participants in the educational process, change their status, as well as the scope of rights and responsibilities. It is emphasized that legal relations in the field of training of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine are formed between entities, the composition of which depends on the form of participation in this activity and tasks defined by the Constitution of Ukraine and other regulations. In particular, such entities include public authorities endowed with general and special competencies, as well as individual entities — scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff of educational institutions, students, graduates, etc. It is emphasized that in the field of training of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine both general and special features of administrative and legal relations are manifested. It is concluded that the legal status of the participants of legal relations in the field of training of personnel of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine determined by normative legal acts is complex, diverse and even somewhat contradictory. On the one hand, the statutory scope of powers of public authorities of general and special competence creates the necessary conditions for the integration of military education in the educational space of the state and improve the quality of training, and on the other — certain powers of public authorities of special competence to some extent narrow the autonomy of higher military institutions and the scope of rights of students and military professionals in the exercise of their constitutional rights.

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