
Relevance. One of the problems of family law is the need to distinguish separate groups of family legal relations, which need different variants of interbranch regulation. When searching for solutions to this problem, the author, based on the analysis of legal regulation of family legal relations as a branch of law and the correlation between the norms of family law and norms of other branch affiliation, concludes that it is necessary to distinguish, firstly, family legal relations directly, which are characterized by the dominance of family law norms with limited application of norms of other sectoral affiliation to achieve the goals defined by family law, and, secondly, legal relations, which can be characterized as "complicated" by a family element, in the regulation of which the application of family law provisions is aimed at taking into account the requirements of family law within the framework of legal relations, generally regulated by norms of other branch affiliation.The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical provisions that determine the features of manifestation of interbranch relations of family legal relations at the present stage of development of the legislation of the Russian Federation.Objectives: to identify problems associated with the presence of interbranch relations of family legal relations; to analyze interbranch relations of family legal relations taking into account the peculiarities of the existing sectoral legislative regulation; to propose variants of differentiation of family legal relations by the criterion of dominance in their regulation of norms of family law or norms of other branch affiliation, to determine the directions of further development of legal regulation of the issues under consideration.Methodology. When writing the work used dialectical-materialistic method, system method, methods of analysis and synthesis, formal-legal method.The results of the research are are of theoretical and applied nature and are aimed at improving the quality of legal regulation of family legal relations.The conclusions made in the article are of a discussion nature, aimed at the continuation of research in the framework of the declared subject. The article is a continuation of the author's scientific research on the development of the theory of family legal relations.

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