
The state of functioning and development of the state environmental monitoring system and its compliance with current requirements have been analyzed. The troublesome issues of insufficient efficiency of this system due to the interaction of environmental monitoring entities, their tasks and fundamental principles of organization have been studied. The priority directions of the state ecological policy concerning creation of effective information and analytical system of monitoring of natural resources have been offered. The functioning of an effective information and analytical system of environmental monitoring is an integral part of state policy in the field of environmental protection. The key purpose of environmental monitoring is collecting, storing and processing reliable and up-to-date information necessary to develop measures to prevent and reduce the negative consequences of changes in the environment. The importance of introducing an effective environmental monitoring system is of vital importance in the context of reforms of environmental management and protection. All indicators of environmental monitoring should become part of a single national network. It will include information on the state of air, surface, groundwater and marine waters, lands, soils, forests and biodiversity, as well as monitoring waste management, geological processes and the effects of temperature, noise, vibration, and radiation on people and the environment. The environmental monitoring system is an integrated information system that should collect, store and process environmental information for departmental and comprehensive assessment and forecast of the environment, biota and living conditions, making sound recommendations for effective social, economic and environmental decisions at all levels of state executive power, improvement of relevant legislative acts as well as fulfillment of obligations of Ukraine on international agreements, programs, projects and activities.

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