
The research paper is devoted to investigation of actual and practical problems of entrepreneurship motivation. These sense of entrepreneurship is decided; entrepreneurship features and motivation factors that influence its development are defined; analyze is of the business activities main reasons are presented; the entrepreneur ship motivation structure is shown; basic types of entrepreneurship motivation and dynamics of motivation in the development of business activity are analyzed; relationship between business and personal successes presented. The authors note that when studying the motivation of entrepreneurial activity, it is important to apply a content-hierarchical approach, which allowed to explore the hierarchy of motives and, revealing the structural links between motives, to identify the structure of motivation. It is substantiated that the direct motives of entrepreneurial activity include: motives of commercial success; motives of freedom and independence; motives of initiative and activity; motives for innovation and risk. In particular, the indirect motives of entrepreneurial activity include: motives of self-realization; motives of respect and self-esteem; motives of social contacts and group affiliation; motives of compulsion. At the meso level of the analysis the organizational factors of motivation of business activity are allocated: sphere of business activity; experience of the entrepreneur; number of employees of a private enterprise; organization structure; organizational culture; labor and social relations, etc. Socio-demographic and personal factors of motivation of entrepreneurial activity are determined at the micro level. Socio-demographic factors include: age of the entrepreneur, gender of the entrepreneur, marital status, education.

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