
The article presents the peculiarities of diagnosing the formation of leadership competence of future specialists in navigation and ship handling, in particular, criteria, indicators and levels. The results of the study and generalization of scientific publications on the research topic allow us to conclude that the criterion should be understood as an assessment tool. This is the feature that is used as the basis for classification. It is proposed to choose the structure of leadership competence, which combines its main components, as the basis for the classification to define the criteria. Based on the results of summarizing the conclusions of scientific publications, it has been found that the criteria must meet certain requirements. Since there are four components in the structure of the leadership competence of future specialists in navigation and ship handling, it is advisable to choose the following as the criteria for the formation of this competence: cognitive-conceptual (correlates with the cognitive component; its definition is due to the fact that leadership involves the possession of certain information, certain knowledge understood by the individual; one can influence other components of the competence only on the basis of knowledge); practical-behavioral (correlates with the practical-activity component; allows to determine the compliance of the personality’s actions with the components of leadership behavior); occupational-psychological (correlates with the occupational-personal component; allows to determine the correspondence of the characteristics, traits and abilities of the personality to the components of leadership competence); axiological-motivational (correlates with the value-motivational component; the criterion refers to the system of personal values and motivation). Taking into account the theoretical analysis and generalization of the requirements of regulations for assessing the academic achievements of higher education students in maritime higher education institutions, it is determined that the formation of leadership competence of future specialists in navigation and ship management should be determined by the four levels: critical level – the formation of leadership competence does not meet the requirements; low level – the formation of leadership competence partially meets the requirements; sufficient level – the formation of leadership competence meets the requirements above the low level; high level – the formation of leadership competence meets the requirements.

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