
The article dwells on the important problem of development of managerial personnel of an educational organization. The author presents the results of studying the peculiarities of development of managerial personnel as conditions and result of implementation of the system of quality management in an educational organization. From the position of the systemic approach, the author (1) determines the essence of the notion “development of managerial personnel of educational organization”; (2) specifies the role of development of managerial personnel in the structure of the system of quality management of educational organization; (3) substantiates the opportunities, goals, and tasks of development of managerial personnel as a sub-system of the system of quality management of educational organization; (4) gives recommendations for building the system of development of managerial personnel in the context of the principles of the system of quality management of educational organization. The theoretical basis of the research consists of International standards of quality ISO and the corresponding Russian standards of quality GOST ISO. Approbation of theoretical conclusions was conducted with the author’s participation in general educational and professional educational organizations of Moscow and Orenburg Oblast (Russia). The following methods were used: systemic approach, analysis, synthesis, special methods of research, method of expert evaluations, observation, analysis of educational practices, survey of pedagogical and managerial personnel of educational organization, and statistical methods.

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