
The article presents the fundamental elements of varietal agrotechnics specific to new vine assortments for the production of Muscat-flavored wines, obtained within the Practical Scientific Institute of Horticulture and Food Technologies. There are identified the peculiarities of protection against diseases of these varieties with enhanced resistance to the main phytopathogenic agents; moreover, data regarding the influence of technological methods of grape processing (duration and temperature of the maceration process) on the content of aromatic substances in wines are also submitted.


  • The article presents the fundamental elements of varietal agrotechnics specific to new vine assortments for the production of Muscat-flavored wines, obtained within the Practical Scientific Institute of Horticulture and Food Technologies

  • There are identified the peculiarities of protection against diseases of these varieties with enhanced resistance to the main phytopathogenic agents; data regarding the influence of technological methods of grape processing on the content of aromatic substances in wines are submitted

  • 3. În baza evaluării și determinării gradului de rezistență la boli a soiurilor de struguri aromate (Viorica, Muscat de Ialoveni, Muscat Basarabean, Muscat de Onițcani ş.a.) au fost elaborate programe de protecție cu utilizarea limitată a sărurilor simple pe bază de sulf şi cupru în conformitate cu principiile de agricultură ecologică

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PECULIARITIES OF CULTIVATION AND PROCESSING OF NEW VINE MUSCAT-FLAVORED ASSORTMENTS Summary. În lucrare sunt prezentate elementele de bază ale agrotehnicii varietale specifice soiurilor de struguri de selecție nouă pentru producerea vinurilor cu aromă de muscat, obţinute în cadrul Institutului Științifico-Practic de Horticultură și Tehnologii Alimentare.

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