
Nowadays the topic of children’s daily practices is attracting more and more researchers. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected those practices on an unprecedented scale. It has changed approaches to learning, children’s interaction with the environment, and relationships with adults and peers. The measures developed by governments to prevent the spread of the disease have created new challenges not only for the economy, business, or education but also for socialization. The article discusses some of the findings of the study on Ukrainian children “The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s everyday practices.”In this study, we combined both qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate the impact of forced social constraints on the self-organization of leisure and friendship.We discovered that among the most common ways to organize leisure for Ukrainian children aged 9–16 there are not only computer games, online communication, and movies, but also reading, drawing, sports, and other various hobbies.We also found out that children’s digital interests depend on their age. The youngest (9–11 y.o.), when restricted from physical playing with peers, tend to play digital games and communicate in small chats of 2–3 persons. Children from the middle group (aged 12–14) are more likely to make video calls, as well as spend creative time on their favorite digital games. Older children spend much more time in big group chats and social networks, and they do produce original content.The main finding of that part of the research is that for children aged 9–16 live communication with friends is of great value and, in their opinion, it could not be replaced with online communication. Most Ukrainian children during COVID-19 lockdowns longed for live communication with friends, whether on the streets playing games, at school on breaks, or going out to cafes, etc. with friends.

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