
The increasing frequency and severity of allergopathology in childhood dictate the need to deepen theoretical knowledge about the pathogenesis of immune reactions in allergies.
 The aim of the work is to analyze the indicators of cellular and humoral immunity in children of the first year of life suffering from atopic dermatitis.
 Materials and methods. 61 children were examined. Three groups were formed: group 1 children aged 35 months (30 children), group 2 69 months (19 children), group 3 1012 months (22 children). The study of the immune status was carried out by immunological tests of the first level. Immunophenotyping of lymphocytes-by flow cytometry.
 Results. The subpopulation composition of lymphocytes revealed some age-related features: children of group 1 are characterized by the development of T-lymphocytopenia, group 2 B- and T-cell lymphocytopenia, group 3 B-lymphocytopenia. In all age groups, there is a decrease in the content of activated NK-lymphocytes, HLA-DR+ T-lymphocytes, and an increase in -T-lymphocytes. Decrease in the immunoregulatory index in group 1 23.3% of cases, in group 2 26.3%, in group 3 45.5%. Violation of the process of phagocytosis is noted in 22.4% of children. All examined children have hyperimmunoglobulinemia E, which is ten times higher than the age norm. In group 3, a strong negative correlation was found between the value of the immunoregulatory index and the concentration of total IgE (r = 0.6). The content of immunoglobulins A, M, G in the blood serum tends to develop of hyperimmunoglobulinemia. However, more than 40% of children older than 6 months have a deficiency in the synthesis of one or two classes of immunoglobulins.
 Conclusion. The detected changes in the immune status are predisposing for the development of a secondary immunodeficiency state in the future. The study of the immune status in children with atopic dermatitis is necessary for individual immunocorrection in order to increase the effectiveness of basic therapy, reduce the severity of the disease, the frequency of exacerbations.



  • The aim of the work is to analyze the indicators of cellular and humoral immunity in children of the first year of life suffering from atopic dermatitis

  • The subpopulation composition of lymphocytes revealed some age-related features: children of group 1 are characterized by the development of T-lymphocytopenia, group 2 – B- and T-cell lymphocytopenia, group 3 – B-lymphocytopenia

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ОСОБЕННОСТИ К ЛЕТОЧНОГО И Г УМОРА ЛЬНОГО ИММУНИТЕТА ПРИ АТОПИЧЕСКОМ ДЕРМАТИТЕ У ДЕТЕЙ ПЕРВОГО ГОДА ЖИЗНИ. Субпопуляционный состав лимфоцитов у детей раннего возраста с атопическим дерматитом Subpopulation composition of lymphocytes in young children with atopic dermatitis Таблица 2 / Table 2 Среднее количество лимфоцитов в различные возрастные периоды у детей первого года жизни с атопическим дерматитом The average number of lymphocytes in different age periods in children of the first year of life with atopic dermatitis

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