
Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are scientific developments of domestic and foreign scientists related to determining the role of FinTech innovations in the development of the financial services market and the formation of FinTech tools for redistribution of financial resources between economic entities. The research used methods of theoretical and empirical research, in particular, abstraction and comparison in determining the features of the functioning of different types of online financing for SMEs; grouping method – in the study of regional features of the development of online financing models; methods of mathematical statistics – in determining development trends and forecasting the amount of alternative online financing by small and medium-sized businesses. Methods of graphical analysis allowed to visually reflect the results of the study. Results. The authors of the article analyze the current state and trends in the formation of fintech companies in Ukraine and financial support of business in the context of global trends in information technology. The place, role and features of using FinTech tools for redistribution of financial resources between economic entities based on the introduction of alternative models of business financing in Ukraine are identified. Novelty. A comparative description of the main types of online financing for small and medium-sized businesses is presented. The dynamics of changes in the volume of alternative online financing in the world and the specifics of the development of global and regional markets of alternative online financing are analyzed. The main determinants of influence on the development of online financing in the country are identified. Practical value. It is possible to apply the developed and submitted proposals for the further functioning and development of alternative business financing in Ukraine, taking into account global trends. The findings and results of the study will help intensify the implementation of online platforms and create conditions for peer financing of individuals and legal entities, promoting their development.

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