
The aim is to present the study results of features of individual behaviour self-regulation among the students who combine study and work. Methods. Theoretical – analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization of scientific literature on the problem researched; empirical – surveys and psychodiagnostic methods, such sociodemographic characteristics as gender, age, education, year and form of study at the university, employment, marital status, presence of children, sibling position, income level, etc. were also taken into account. Results. It has been established that there are some divergences in the level of self-regulation among both employed and unemployed students, manifested, in particular, in such indicators as flexibility of behavior and activity as well as decision-making ability. Employed students have a better-manifested striving for planning their own activity, tend to be more independent, flexible, and organized in their academic and labor activity. They are characterized by a higher level of self-acceptance and goal-setting capacity. It has been established that with growing self-regulation, students’ satisfaction with their life and relations with other people goes up, efficiency of planning and organization of own activity and flexibility in behavior improves. Conclusions. Self-regulation is a specific form of human interaction with the surrounding world, a means of consciously setting tasks, mobilizing mental and physical potentials to achieve defined goals. The self-regulation indicator of students’ behavior measured in the work involves studying the processes of planning, modeling, programming one's behavior and activities, evaluating its results, as well as its flexibility and independence, which, in turn, can lead to more effective activities and the ability to solve various kinds of problems tasks that arise in everyday activities, increasing its success. Undoubtedly, self-regulation is an important element in the process of setting and achieving goals, contributes to achieving success in all types of activities in the course of a person’s life. Self-regulatory skills are important in building relationships and solving life tasks, they are especially important in educational activities.

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