
A pectin isolated from tobacco midrib contained residues of d-galacturonic acid (83.7%), L-rhamnose (2.2%), l-arabinose (2.4%) and d-galactose (11.2%) and small amounts of d-xylose and d-glucose. Methylation analysis of the pectin gave 2, 3, 5-tri- and 2, 3-di-O-methyl-l-arabinose, 3, 4-di- and 3-O-methyl-l-rhamnose and 2, 3, 6-tri-O-methyl-d-galactose. Reduction with lithium aluminum hydride of the permethylated pectin gave mainly 2, 3-di-O-methyl-d-galactose and the above methylated sugars. Partial acid hydrolysis gave homologous series of β-(1 → 4)-linked oligosaccharides up to pentaose of d-galactopyranosyl residues, and 2-O-(α-d-galactopyranosyluronic acid)-l-rhamnose, and di- and tri-saccharides of α-(1 → 4)-linked d-galactopyranosyluronic acid residues.These results suggest that the tobacco pectin has a backbone consisting of α-(1 → 4)-linked d-galactopyranosyluronic acid residues which is interspersed with 2-linked l-rhamnopyranosyl residues. Some of the l-rhamnopyranosyl residues carry substituen...

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