
Our study was designed to elucidate the chemical determinants of pectin cross-linking in developing fruits of apple and peach and to evaluate the role of breakage cross-linkages in swelling, softening, and cell separation during the ripening. Peaches cell walls soften and swell considerably during the ripening, whereas apples fruit cells maintain wall firmness but cells separate during late stages of ripening. We used a "double-reduction" technique to show that levels of non-methyl esters of polyuronic acid molecules were constant during the development and ripening and decreased only in overripe fruit. In peach, methyl and non-methyl esters increased during the development and decreased markedly during the ripening. Non-methyl ester linkages in both fruit decreased accompanied fruit softening. The identity of the second component of the linkage and its definitive role in the fruit softening remain elusive. In preliminary examination of isolated apples cell walls, we found that phenolic compounds accumulate early in wall development but decrease markedly during ripening. Quantitative texture analysis was used to correlate with changes to wall chemistry from the fresh-picked ripe stage to the stage during storage when the cell separation occurs. Cell wall composition is similar in all cultivars, with arabinose as the principal neutral sugar. Extensive de-branching of these highly branched arabinans pre-stages softening and cell-cell separation during over-ripening of apple. The longer 5-arabinans remain attached to the major pectic polymer rhamnogalacturonan I (RG I) backbone. The degree of RG I branching, as judged from the ratios of 2-Rha:2,4-Rha, also decreases, specially after an extensive arabinan de-branching. Loss of the 4-Rham linkages correlated strongly with the softening of the fruit. Loss of the monomer or polymer linked to the RG I produce directly or indirectly the softening of the fruit. This result will help to understand the fruit softening and to have better control of the textural changes in fruit during the ripening and especially during the storage. 'Wooliness', an undesirable mealy texture that is induced during chilling of some peach cultivars, greatly reduces the fruit storage possibilities. In order to examine the hypothesis that the basis for this disorder is related to abnormality in the cell wall softening process we have carried out a comparative analysis using the resistant cultivar, Sunsnow, and a sensitive one, Hermosa. We investigated the activity of several pectin- and glycan-modifying enzymes and the expression of their genes during ripening, chilling, and subsequent shelf-life. The changes in carbohydrate status and in methyl vs. non-methyl uronate ester levels in the walls of these cultivars were examined as well to provide a basis for comparison of the relevant gene expression that may impact appearance of the wooly character. The activities of the specific polygalacturonase (PGase) and a CMC-cellulase activities are significantly elevated in walls of peaches that have become wooly. Cellulase activities correlated well with increased level of the transcript, but differential expression of PGase did not correspond with the observed pattern of mRNA accumulation. When expression of ethylene biosynthesis related genes was followed no significant differences in ACC synthase gene expression was observed in the wooly fruit while the normal activation of the ACC oxidase was partially repressed in the Hermosa wooly fruits. Normal ripening-related loss of the uronic acid-rich polymers was stalled in the wooly Hermosa inconsistent with the observed elevation in a specific PGase activity but consistent with PG gene expression. In general, analysis of the level of total esterification, degree of methyl esterification and level of non-methyl esters did not reveal any major alterations between the different fruit varieties or between normal and abnormal ripening. Some decrease in the level of uronic acids methyl esterification was observed for both Hermosa and Sunsnow undergoing ripening following storage at low temperature but not in fruits ripening after harvest. Our results support a role for imbalanced cell wall degradation as a basis for the chilling disorder. While these results do not support a role for the imbalance between PG and pectin methyl esterase (PME) activities as the basis for the disorder they suggest a possible role for imbalance between cellulose and other cell wall polymer degradation during the softening process.

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