
Complementing the peatland depth survey using Ground Penetrating Radar di Siak Regency conducted by Pustekwil (Pusat Teknologi Sumberdaya Wilayah) BPPT, a Non-use Value survey was conducted in May 2017. Peatland is a natural resource whose value has long been underestimated. In order to correctly assign for peatlands’ value, a different approach, namely the Total Economic Value, must be used. The Total Economic Value (TEV) method comprises of Use Value and Non-Use Value. Whereas the Use Value component may use secondary data (and market price data), the Non-Use Value data must be gathered directly from the respondents using Contingent Valuation Method. Data gathered during a recent survey in Siak Regency, using stratified random sampling method, shows a Bequest Value of IDR/ha/year 1,413,647.95 (WTP based) dan IDR/ha/year 29,025,305.57 (WTA based).The same survey shows Existence Value of IDR/ha/year IDR 82,725 (WTP based) and of IDR/ha/year 9,472,281.78 (WTA based). While the gathered values seem small compared to Direct Use Value (of converting peatland for palm oil plantation), they need to be collected as part of the peatland’s Total Economic Value calculation.

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