
This article refers to the memoirs of Countess Praskovya Sergeevna Uvarova as the source that sheds light on the peasant reform of 1861 in the Uvarovs  family estate, as well as allows assessing the degree of participation of the representatives of enlightened society in the Great Reforms of 1860s–1870s, determines the impact of these reforms upon the personal story of the author of memoirs. Understanding the events of everyday life alongside the scale of the figure of Countess P. S. Uvarova of the selected source are valuable for reconstructing the landmark events and processes in the country, one of which was the abolition of serfdom in 1861. The article employs biographical method to reconstruct the personal story of P. S. Uvarova and the historical events of that time through her emotional experiences. This opens a new perspective on the events of the past. Analysis of the source describes all the stages of the reform, from the announcement of the Manifesto of February 19, 1861 and response of the enlightened society, to the measures on land development is a single county through the prism of the direct participant of these events.

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