
THE book before us, according to the preface, and as far as we are aware, is the only work in the English language which is entirely devoted to the history of pearls. The introductory chapter is immediately followed by one which gives a brief historical account of pearls in connection with India, China, Persia, Palestine, Egypt, Ancient Greece and Italy, and Europe in the Middle Ages. This is succeeded by a résumé of the ancient ideas respecting the origin and supposed medicinal qualities of pearls, and by a few words on “breeding” pearls. The next chapter treats of the different kinds of pearl-forming mollusks, both marine and fluviatile. The writer then gives an account of the true mother-of-pearl shell, describing its geographical distribution, the different varieties, its structure, the parasites found within the shells, and their external enemies, their method of getting rid of extraneous substances (stones, small shells, &c.) accidentally introduced within the valves of the shell, and the uses to which the mother-of-pearl is put. The sixth chapter, although headed “The Origin and Formation of Pearls,” also refers to the different kinds, such as bouton pearls, baroque pearls, and coq de perle, the mode of life of the oyster, the positions in which pearls are found, &c. It also treats of the qualities which regulate the value of pearls. The next chapter gives a short account of the Sooloo Archipelago, the natives as pearl-divers, and their method of dredging. Then follows a good description of the fisheries of North-West Australia and Torres Strait, and this is succeeded by an interesting chapter entitled “Pearling Life at the Present Day,” which is practically descriptive of pearling expeditions made by Mr. Streeter's vessel, the Sree Pas Sair, from Singapore to the North-West Australian coast and the Sooloo Archipelago. Pearls and Pearling Life. By Edwin W. Streeter (London: George Bell and Sons, 1886.)

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