
IN connection with Sir West Ridgeway's anxiety, as Governor of Ceylon, to revive the pearl fishery off the north-west coast of the island, and the appointment by the Secretary of State for the Colonies of so able a zoologist as Prof. Herdman to report on the subject—so classic to zoologists since Dr. Kelaart's paper and the display of fine examples of the pearl shells by the Indian Government in the London Fisheries' Exhibition of 1883—it may be interesting to mention the activity of the Queensland Government in this and allied subjects. Besides the work of Mr. Saville Kent and the recent (private) investigations of Mr. Lyster Jameson, the Queensland Government early last year appointed an able young zoologist, Mr. James R. Tosh, to make investigations on the life-history of the species which produces the pearl-shells of commerce, the formation and growth of pearls, and other questions bearing on the pearl fishery. He is now busy on Thursday Island. Moreover, Mr. Tosh informs me that the Queensland Government has just sanctioned a grant of 1500l. for the erection of a marine laboratory on a small island about two miles distant (from Thursday Island), and in the centre of the pearl-fishing grounds, though at some distance from the coral area. This laboratory will have, besides the work-room and quarters for Mr. Tosh and his staff, three concrete tanks for experimental work.

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