
Peach fruits (Prunus persica L. Batsch, cv Springcrest) were harvested at two ripening stages (flesh firmness of 60 N, first harvest, and 45 N, second harvest) and maintained at 20°C in air (control) or for 24 and 48 h in streams of ultra low (<1%) oxygen (ULO) or high (30%) CO2 concentration and then transferred to air for up to 8 days. The decline in flesh firmness was strongly reduced by ULO and CO2 treatments in fruits of both harvests, although the effect was stronger in fruits picked earlier in which ethylene biosynthesis remained at the basal level. In fruits of the second harvest, endo β-1,4-glucanase (EGase) activity was lower in ULO- and CO2-treated fruits than in control fruits at the end of the 24 h treatment and the following two days in air. Acetaldehyde (AA) gradually accumulated in control fruit and the highest concentrations were detected during late ripening. Both treatments induced a strong accumulation of AA but, with the exception of the 24 and 48 h CO2 treatments performed on fruits of the second harvest, a decrease in AA content was observed when the fruits were transferred to air. A slight increase in ethanol (EtOH) was found throughout the ripening process in control fruits; ULO and CO2 strongly stimulated EtOH production. When fruits were transferred to air, EtOH concentration declined rapidly. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity significantly increased in control fruit only in the late stages of ripening. Greater ADH activity was found throughout the experimental period in fruits of the first harvest treated for 24 h in ULO and CO2, whereas, at day 8, control and treated fruits of the second harvest showed similar ADH activity values. Hypoxic and, to a lesser extent, CO2-enriched atmospheres stimulated Adh gene expression.

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