
Abstract Trials were conducted in a 25-year-old commercial block of peaches severely infected with a canker disease, providing openings through the bark attractive to borers. Most cankers were filled with gum. Five single-tree replicates of each treatment were selected based on likelihood of borer infestation. All materials were applied as a coarse spray with a handgun sprayer at 400 psi. The spray stream was directed into openings in the bark, as well as covering the entire trunk, from ground level up to, and including, the first scaffold limbs. Spray dates for Lorsban were 7 Jun (petal fall) or 7 Jun + 13 Jul (APB 2nd flight start). Spray dates for Asana were 7 Jun, or 7 Jun + 13 Jul + 15 Aug (postharvest). The nematode tested was Steinernema carpocapsae (Scanmask). Spray dates for Scanmask were 27 Jun (1st generation larvae present) or 27 Jun + 15 Aug (2nd generation larvae present). Trunks and lower scaffolds were sampled in the fall (28 Sep-4 Oct) by peeling back bark with a hammer and long screwdriver to slightly beyond the edge of the living cambium and counting all living larvae.

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