
This era in Africa represents a significant political shift, marked by the emergence of two major issues: xenophobia and terrorism, with the most lethal of these periods being the latter one against the backdrop of World War II, when Hitler masterminded a campaign fueled by xenophobia and terrorism, specifically directed at German Jews, which contributed greatly to the outbreak of conflicts. During the Cold War era, which followed World War II, the world witnessed a tensed ideological struggle between the East and the West. Both sides engaged in global actions driven by mutual xenophobia and resorting to terrorist tactics against each other, resulting in catastrophic consequences such as the loss of human lives, financial hardships, and widespread material destruction. Africa endured severe economic damage and rebellion during this tumultuous period. In the early 1990s, the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), driven by Gorbachev's actions, raised hopes for global peace. However, instead of lasting tranquility, as the economic, ideological, and political conflicts between the East and West came to an end, a new chapter emerged, marked by communal, ethnic, and clan disputes. With the previous tensions receding, different communities and groups now found themselves vying for influence and asserting their identities, leading to fresh challenges and complexities on the global stage. Within this vacuum, xenophobia and terrorism found fertile ground in Africa, replacing the earlier damage caused by the rivalry between the East and West. Presently, Africa finds itself at the epicenter of precarious ethnic conflicts, on the brink of devastation and hindering progress towards stability in various areas, such as industry, society, the economy, and education. This article aims to offer a concise and logical understanding of the impact of xenophobia and terrorism on peace in Africa and the international community. It explores potential ways to promote peace in Africa through ongoing peace education with the help of facts and academic discussions. The approach used is qualitative, and the document analysis method was used to obtain and analyze the data.

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