
This article is about a one-off art making workshop with children and young people in Kampala, Uganda. It is based on the theme of the United Nations (UN) Peace Day “Right to Peace”. This is in the context of the enduring political, economic and social instabilities in this region. The setting is a half-way house for unsettled children and young people who are homeless, often orphaned as a result of political unrest and who are likely to have experienced multiple trauma. The ‘home’ situation has a religious base. In addition to food, clothing and shelter, the ‘home’ provides a mentoring programme to the children and young people who live there, based on biblical teachings. This article reports on the workshop group process, the discussions and the creative activity based on the theme. The findings of the workshop and their relevance to the lives of the children and young people in the shelter are discussed. All names are pseudonyms and all personal identifiable information has been changed. Keywords: street children; trauma; basic needs; peace; art; religious symbols

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