
The GABA transporter GAT1 regulates brain inhibitory neurotransmission and it is considered a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of wide spectrum of neurological diseases including epilepsy, stroke and autism. Syntenin-1 binds to syntaxin 1A, which is known to regulate the plasma membrane insertion of several neurotransmitter transporters. Previously, a direct interaction of syntenin-1 with the glycine transporter GlyT2 was reported. Here, we show that the GABA transporter GAT1 also directly interacts with syntenin-1, involving both unidentified protein interaction interface and the GAT1 C-terminal PDZ binding motif interacting mainly with syntenin-1 PDZ domain 1. The PDZ interaction was eliminated by the mutation of GAT1 isoleucine 599 and tyrosine 598 located in PDZ positions 0 and -1, respectively. This indicates an unconventional PDZ interaction and possible regulation of the transporter PDZ motif via tyrosine phosphorylation. Whole syntenin-1 protein fused to GST protein and immobilised on glutathione resin coprecipitated intact GAT1 transporter from an extract of GAT1 transfected neuroblastoma N2a cells. This coprecipitation was inhibited by tyrosine phosphatases inhibitor pervanadate. The fluorescence tagged GAT1 and syntenin-1 colocalized upon coexpression in N2a cells. The above results show that syntenin-1 might be, in addition to GlyT2, directly involved in the trafficking of GAT1 transporter.

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