
Data security is becoming one of the most significant challenges in the digital world. Retrieval of data by unauthorized parties will result in harm to the owner of the data. PDF data are also susceptible to data security disorder. These things affect the security of the information. To solve the security problem, it needs a method to maintain the protection of the data, such as cryptography. In cryptography, several algorithms can encode data, one of them is Two Square Cipher algorithm which is a symmetric algorithm. At this research, Two Square Cipher algorithm has already developed into a 16 x 16 key aims to enter the various plaintexts. However, for more enhancement security it will be combined with the VMPC algorithm which is a symmetric algorithm. The combination of the two algorithms is called with the super-encryption. At this point, the data already can be stored on a mobile phone allowing users to secure data flexibly and can be accessed anywhere. The application of PDF document security on this research built by Android-platform. At this study will also calculate the complexity of algorithms and process time. Based on the test results the complexity of the algorithm is θ (n) for Two Square Cipher and θ (n) for VMPC algorithm, so the complexity of the super-encryption is also θ (n). VMPC algorithm processing time results quicker than on Two Square Cipher. And the processing time is directly proportional to the length of the plaintext and passwords.

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