
For more than 80 years, the scientific community has extensively used International Centre for Diffraction Data's (ICDD®) Powder Diffraction File (PDF®) for material characterization, including powder X-ray diffraction analysis. Historically, PDF was made available for two major material types: one for inorganic analysis and the other for organic analysis. In the early years of the PDF, this two-material approach was implemented due to limited computer capabilities. With Release 2024, ICDD provides a comprehensive database consisting of the entire PDF in one database called PDF-5+, comprised of more than one million entries (1,061,898). The PDF-5+ with a relational database (RDB) construct houses extensive chemical, physical, bibliographic, and crystallographic data, including atomic coordinates and raw data, enabling qualitative and quantitative phase analysis. This wealth of information in one database is advantageous for phase identification, materials characterization, and several data mining applications in materials science. A database of this size needs rigorous data curation and structural and chemical classifications to optimize pattern search/match and characterization methods. Each entry in the PDF has an editorially assigned quality mark. An editorial comment will describe the reason if an entry does not meet the top-quality mark. The editorial processes of ICDD's quality management system are unique in that they are ISO 9001:2015 certified. Among several classifications implemented in PDF-5+, subfiles (such as Bioactive, Pharmaceuticals, Minerals, etc.) directly impact the search/match in minimizing false positives. Scientists with specific field expertise continuously review these subfiles to maintain their quality. This paper describes the features of PDF with an emphasis on the newly released PDF-5+.

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