
Dealing with reflections in images captured through glass would be real headache, as they can obscure the important stuff behind the glass and make the whole image look messy. This is a major problem in many computer vision tasks.Early studies reported that a popular way to tackle the challenge of removing reflections from [1] single images in deep learning. In this article, we take a deep dive into the research on this topic from 2015 to 2021, focusing on how deep learning is being used for [5] single-image reflection removal [4].We searched through a bunch of important online databases and libraries, like IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, and ACM Digital Library, to find relevant research papers. After carefully going through them, we picked out 25 papers [9] that fit the criteria for our review.We analyzed these papers to answer seven major questions about how deep learning and [3] neural networks are being used for [6] single-image reflection removal. This will hopefully give future researchers a good understanding of what's been done in this area and help them build on that knowledge.The review also highlights the important challenges that data scientists are facing in this area, and also some promising directions for future research. . And importantly, it provides a list of useful datasets that data scientists can use to benchmark their own deep learning techniques against other studies. Whether you're a researcher hungry for the next challenge or just someone who wants to understand how it all works, this review will equip you with the knowledge and inspiration to delve deeper into this fascinating field.

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