
Regular self-monitoring of using a blood glucose meter helps diabetic patients to adjust their management strategies proactively, thus avoiding diabetic complications which place a burden on health care resources. The aim of this study was to elicit diabetic patients’ preferences for different blood glucose meter attributes. A cross-sectional, web-based survey of UK patients with Type 1 and type 2 diabetes was conducted in January 2013 and preferences for five key attributes associated with blood glucose meters were estimated using a discrete choice experiment (DCE) framework. A foldover design and optimised orthogonal differences were considered, but the final choice experiment was a Bayesian d-efficient design. Responses were analysed using a conditional logit model in STATA 12.1. Out of 447 responses, 406 (90.83%) patients were suitable for inclusion in the DCE analysis. Statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were found between the Type 1 and Type 2 sub-groups when comparing responder characteristics (years diagnosed, age, tests per day, number of comorbidities). Regarding glucose meter attributes, Type 1 respondents considered the ‘time to test’ to be the most critical factor and were willing to trade a compact device (2.61 units), or convenience (1.37 units) for a device that could produce test results in under 30 seconds. Type 2 respondents preferred the low maintenance attribute and were most willing to trade a compact device (2.72 units) or convenience (1.37 units) for this attribute. This is the first DCE to examine the impact of blood glucose meter attributes on blood glucose meter choice and adherence. Devices that provide value added features such as offline storage of data and additional data analysis will be valued by both Type 1 and Type 2 patients whereas a compact device is less valued.

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