
With the increased use of social media many people misuse online platforms by uploading offensive content and sharing the same with vast audience. Here comes controlling of such offensive contents. In this work we concentrate on the issue of finding offensive text in social media. Existing offensive text detection systems treat weak pejoratives like ‘idiot‘ and extremely indecent pejoratives like ‘f***‘ as same as offensive irrespective of formal and informal contexts . In fact the weakly pejoratives in informal discussions among friends are casual and common which are not offensive but the same can be offensive when expressed in formal discussions. Crucial challenges to accomplish the task of role based offensive detection in text are i) considering the roles while classifying the text as offensive or not i) creating a contextual datasets including both formal and informal roles. To tackle the above mentioned challenges we develop deep neural network based model known as context aware role based offensive detection(CROD). We examine CROD on the manually created dataset that is collected from social networking sites. Results show that CROD gives better performance with RoBERTa with an accuracy of 94% while considering the context and role in data specifics.

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