
Abstract: Phase Change Materials (PCM) are the most promising and budding technology in the field of Thermal Energy Storage (TES) and thermal comfort in buildings. PCMs are being extensively used and researched across the world for the improvement of thermal performance of buildings by smoothening temperature peaks as well as act as a power-saving tool in buildings where heating or cooling is required. PCMs can absorb and release heat or cold energy when it undergoes a phase change from solid to liquid and vice versa. This process takes place at a constant temperature absorbing a huge amount of energy in form of latent heat of fusion or vaporization in comparison to sensible heat which is absorbed with an increase of temperature. India’s frontiers stretch across a few of the world’s extreme terrains having extreme climatic conditions varying from extremely hot climates on western borders to extremely cold climates on its northern extremities. The unique characteristic of PCM based latent heat storage system can be utilized in lightweight prefabricated PUF insulated shelters used by security forces, to increase its thermal resistance or store excess heat from intermittent renewable sources during daytime for use during the night, thereby helping in maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the shelters. The PCMs characteristic of absorbing and releasing heat at a constant temperature can be effectively utilized in various other applications where thermal management or temperature control is of importance. It can also help in enhancing the mission reliability of its vehicles, equipment, plant, and electronic instruments when deployed in areas having extreme temperatures. In the present work, a broad study has been conducted based on recent progress and research across the world on PCM technology and its probable applications in the defense sector. The aim is to highlight the potential of PCMs to be utilized for the enhancement of the performance of manpower and critical equipment deployed under extreme climatic conditions encountered by the Security forces. Keywords: Phase Change Material, Thermal Energy Storage, Latent Heat Storage, Military Applications, Security forces, Indian Armed forces.

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