
Abstract Write a comprehensive training manual on a technical oilfield subject, print it, and send it around the world. Six months later only a few individuals have taken the time to review, much less study the contents. Write an interactive, interesting computer program, put it on the company BBS system, and before long, every PC in the company has a copy. Computer interactive training has been common place for years, but generally its focus is training on computer software. This paper describes a PC-based program that facilities the study and training of technical or company-related information via interactive computer operation. The program is versatile, compatible with any level of PC hardware, and easily updated. The program prompts answers to multiple choice questions about the technical information. To prevent memorization of the questions and answers, each training session consists of answering 25 questions randomly selected from a pool of 200 questions. This approach provides the student with multiple training sessions with minimal duplication. This paper describes the methodology and application of this type of computerized training. An explanation of the programming logic and an example of a sample session is provided.

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