
The Water-Cooled Lithium–Lead blanket concept is a candidate breeding blanket concept for the EU DEMO reactor and it is going to be tested as one of the Test Blanket Modules (TBM) inside the ITER reactor. A major safety issue for its design is the interaction between PbLi and water caused by a tube rupture in the breeding zone, the so-called in-box LOCA (Loss of Coolant Accident) scenario. This issue has been investigated in the framework of FP8 EUROfusion Project Horizon 2020 and is currently ongoing in FP9 EUROfusion Horizon Europe, defining a strategy for addressing and solving WCLL in-box LOCA. This paper discusses the efforts pursued in recent years to deal with this key safety issue, providing a general view of the approach, a timeline, research and development, and experimental activities. These are conducted to master dominant phenomena and processes relevant to safety aspects during the postulated accident, to enhance the predictive capability and reliability of selected numerical tools, and to validate and qualify models and codes and the procedures for their applications, including coupling and chains of codes.

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